Fantastically Great Women Who Changed The World Review

The Lowry, Salford – until 7th January 2024

Review by Rebecca Hampson


Based on the award-winning novel by Kate Pankhurst this musical adaptation of ‘Fantastically Great Women Who Changed The World’ highlights the incredible women who have inspired the way women are able to live today.

The musical introduces us to key women in history such as Frida Kahlo, Rosa Parks, Amelia Earhart, Marie Curie, Emmeline Pankhurst and more through pop style hits and synchronised dance routines giving each woman a new modern take through costume.

I was particularly impressed by the staging of this production with set being incorporated as a method of storytelling and introducing us to each new character.

This musical is reminiscent of the recent hit ‘Six’ which saw its success through audience participation which this show relies heavily on. Through asking us to sing and clap along I witnessed and heard many young girls and boys fully immersed in the story.

The show teaches us the importance of highlighting female power and acknowledging the incredible women who have paved the way for the life we are able to enjoy today. We may still have a way to go but this musical provides hope for our future generation as they fight for our equality.

I would recommend this show for anyone with a young child who will benefit greatly from the history it teaches.