Calendar Girls Review

Grand Theatre, Leeds – until 11th November 2023

Reviewed by Katie Brewerton


Calendar Girls comes back to Yorkshire this week at the Grand in Leeds, telling the incredible and inspiring true story of a group of women who’s small WI group in Yorkshire decides to change up their charity calendar. After the death of Annie’s (Tanya Franks) husband John (Colin R Campbell) her best friend Chris (Amy Robbins) comes up with the idea of creating a nude calendar to raise money for Skipton General Hospital to replace their uncomfortable settee, after some persuading the other members of the WI agree and the success of their Calendar is unimaginable. 

With the real Calendar Girls in the audience the cast had added pressure to perform and they did not disappoint. With a star studded cast including Tanya Franks best known as Rainie in Eastenders, Amy Robbins, who has stared in Coronation Street, The Royal and Emmerdale and more and Mauren Nolan, one of the famous Nolan Sisters.  Robbins in particular stood out with a fantastic performance as the funny and charismatic Chris with great vocals and a commanding stage presence. 

Written by Gary Barlow and Tim Firth this is a show with a heartbreaking tragedy leading to great success and an infamous story.

With a total of over £6 Million raised for Blood Cancer UK, a total which is still growing with the charity collecting a royalty from the show this is a must see production. It’s even more special seeing it in West Yorkshire, so close to where the story originated. You’ll be laughing and crying and are bound to be on your feet at the end.