Bridesmaids of Britain Review

Malvern Theatre – until Saturday 30 September 2023

Reviewed by Kathie Hodges


Loosely based on the movie Bridesmaids ~ Bridesmaids of Britain tells the story of Sarah ~ the Bride to be and the new found rivalry between her oldest friend Becky and her new seemingly posh and perfect best friend Tiffany.

You enter to see the stage lit up in a striking bright pink which wows at first glance, and a wedding dress, but that’s about as much styling as you can expect, the set is very simple and though you are promised a great night out of huge belly laughs with your girlfriends, the show lacked rather. I was grateful I didn’t drag my girlfriends along.

The three actresses (Kathryn Rutherford, Rebecca Tebbitt, Rebecca Jayne-Davies) did the best job they could with what they had, there were laughs, dance offs, sing offs and lots of gobbing off (expect strong language from the outset) but the script was seriously lacking.

I wouldn’t rush to this one sadly.