20 Questions with ….. Emma Swan

Actress and Author Emma Swan sat down with fairypowered to answer 20 Questions. Emma is currently starring in Horrible Histories at the Garrick Theatre until 2 September

Lets start with a few favourites

Favourite show (whether you have been in it or not)?

What a good but difficult question errrrmmm I think it’s a tie between Sweeney Todd and Duncan Macmillan’s Every Brilliant Thing.

Favourite book?

Oh wow these questions don’t get easier do they… I’m not a very decisive person, I’m currently pacing around my flat looking at my book shelf. I really enjoyed Ruth Jones’ ‘Never Greener’, and Anstey Harris’ ‘The Truths and Triumphs of Grace Atherton’. Anything Jacqueline Wilson also pretty much shaped my childhood.

Wait, sorry, that wasn’t one book…

Favourite theatre?

It has to be the Garrick. I made my West End debut here last year with Terrible Tudors so this theatre will always be so important to me.

Favourite song?

I’m now frantically checking my Spotify haha. My favourite musical song I would say is ‘Nothing’ from ‘A Chorus Line’ and in my dressing room at the moment I’m listening to a lot of Lizzo.

Favourite music?

I’ve always been a huge musical theatre fan.

Favourite food?

A Chinese takeaway or a cream egg. They’re both always a great idea. But maybe not together.

Favourite drink?

I couldn’t live without a cup of Yorkshire tea (or 7) a day.

What is your favourite role?

In Terrible Tudors I absolutely love playing Elizabeth I. Her costume and wig is fabulous and I particularly enjoy her duet/ rap battle with William Shakespeare.

What was your first role?

My first role was ‘the littlest angel’ in my school Nativity but at the time I was the tallest girl in my year so I’m not sure what happened with the casting there. I’m now only 5”1 and pretty much the smallest in any cast so maybe they could predict the future …

And what role would you really like to play?

I would love to one day play Mrs Lovett in Sweeney Todd.

If you weren’t a performer what would you be?

I would be a writer and I do also write alongside my acting. (My mother is delighted with all my safe and stable career choices.)

What made you decide to be a performer?

I’ve wanted to be an actor for as long as I can remember. I was a big Horrible Histories fan when I was younger so little Emma would be so so happy right now.

Do you enjoy touring?

I do enjoy touring it’s really fun exploring the country with a brilliant cast of pals.

What advice would you give 16 year old you?

Stop wearing high heels in the snow on nights out in Sheffield… you will fall.

Do you fancy branching out in Producing or Directing?

I think I would be absolutely hopeless at both of these things. Producing you have to be very organised which I’m definitely not and directing you need to make clear decisions and as you can see from some of these answers… I think I’ll stick with the acting!

What was the last stage show you saw and really enjoyed?

A show I saw recently and loved was Mumsy at Hull Truck written by my pal and old flat mate Lydia Marchant. It’s a brilliant, funny northern play about 3 different generations of women.

Favourite line from any show?

Back to the book shelf I go!

Ooh actually – “Though she be but little she is fierce.” (This interview is highlighting a height complex)

If you could be anyone else for the day, who would it be?

I would be Imelda Staunton – because she is just the coolest.

What are the nicest/weirdest things you have ever received from fans?

I have received some amazing drawings and cards from Horrible Histories fans at stage door and I’m always so grateful to get them. I’ve never actually received anything strange but maybe this year – I’ll let you know if so!

Can you tell us what you will be up to next?

Absolutely! Over Christmas I’m working with Horrible Histories again and we will be doing a UK tour, including the Barbican in London, of Horrible Christmas. I’m also writing a children’s book at the moment and have just signed with a literary agent.

Please do give me a follow @emmalittleswan on Twitter/ Instagram for more updates and do come and see Terrible Tudors at the Garrick until September 2nd. We would love to see you there!