Dave Willetts joins West End revival of Aspects of Love for every Monday performance from 29 May

Dave Willetts joins West End revival of Aspects of Love

to play George at every Monday performance

from 29 May 2023

Dave Willetts, one of the UK’s most critically acclaimed musical stars joins the cast of the West End revival of Andrew Lloyd Webber’s musical Aspects of Love, which opens on 13 May 2023 at the Lyric Theatre in London.   He will play the role of Sir George Dillingham at every Monday performance from 29 May 2023, the role played by Michael Ball at every other performance.

Willetts joins a cast which also includes Laura Pitt-Pulford as Rose, Jamie Bogyo as Alex and Danielle de Niese as Giulietta.

The cast is completed by Rosemary Ashe (Elizabeth), Anthony Cable (Ensemble) Vinny Coyle (Hugo), Chumisa Dornford-May (Ensemble), Soophia Foroughi (Alternate Giulietta), Dickon Gough (Barker/Ensemble), Ben Heathcote (Co-Barker/Ensemble), Eu Jin Hwang (On Stage Swing), Daniel Jagusz-Holley (On Stage Swing), Linda Jarvis (Ensemble), Natasha O’Brien (On Stage Swing), Joanna O’Hare (Ensemble), Michael Matus (Marcel), Anna Unwin (Jenny) and sharing the role of Young Jenny are:  Indiana AshworthMillie Gubby and Katie Mitton.

Performances for the production begin on 13 May 2023. For more information and tickets, please see www.aspectsoflove.com

In ravaged post war France, beautiful actress Rose Vibert finds herself homeless and penniless after her hoped-for career break play closes early. Invited to a country villa by a love struck young American, Alex Dillingham, she impulsively accepts. When unexpectedly interrupted by Alex’s distinguished uncle George, everything changes.

So begins a tumultuous 20-year love story, entwining the three of them and George’s mistress, the feisty artist Giulietta. Everything changes once again when Rose’s daughter Jenny turns 18.

From the cobbled streets of Paris, through the French countryside to the splendours of Venice, Aspects of Love is a sweeping romantic story of passion, love, betrayal and heartbreak across three generations.

With music by Andrew Lloyd Webber and lyrics by Don Black and Charles Hart, based on the novel by David Garnett, Aspects of Love is directed by Jonathan Kent.  Set and costume design is by John McFarlane, Lighting Design by Jon Clark, Sound Design by Paul Groothius, Video Design by Douglas O’Connell, Choreography by Denni Sayers, Musical Supervision by Nicholas Skilbeck and the Musical Director is Cat Beverbridge.

Aspects of Love at The Lyric Theatre is produced by Nica BurnsMax Weitzenhoffer, Adam Blanshay Productions and Tegan Summer by arrangement with The Really Useful Group Limited. 
