Rita, Sue and Bob Too Review

Reviewed by Jen Hughes

Epstein Theatre Liverpool – until 19 February 2023


Full credit to Chantelle Nolan (director and producer) for a hilarious, toe curling adaptation of the 80s comedy classic,  Rita, Sue and Bob too

Sue (Jenna Sian O’hara) and the iconic  Rita ( Kay Nicholson)  the two teenage best  friends are represented  to perfection. Both become besotted as they embark on a coming of age adventure with the Maggie Thatcher, Tory party hating, married man and lothario Bob (Michael Parr). Sue, vowing not to become pregnant before leaving school, begins to compete for Bob’s affections with Rita playing the same game and eventually succeeding  until  – in perfect comedic timing –  Bob’s wife Michelle (Jessica Ellis) gets wind of his antics after finding a very telltale piece of evidence  in his jeans pocket!

Sue’s dad (Jamie Greer), the  stereotypical foul mouthed, drunken slob, somewhat akin to a 1980s Shameless‘ Frank Gallagher and his wife, (Crissy Rock) a downtrodden working class mother,  have a hostile relationship and short, fiery tempers. Both characters  effortlessly rant at anyone they see fit with hilarious results. Their portrayed drunken rants were pitch perfect. The audience cheered, laughed and heckled with a whole host of spectacular expletives to boot.  

Full of 80s classic tunes, humour and bare bottoms from the start, this show really is like no other. Not for the easily offended, however  there was not a single audience member who looked anything but spectacularly entertained,  Memory lane has never been so hilarious !