Ugly Review

Tristan Bates Theatre – until 2 November 2019

Reviewed by Elizabeth J Smith


When you look in the mirror what do you see?

This new writing from Perdita Stott, Ugly, explores a females perception of their image and the power that image can have on each of us.

In an age of technology where we are bombarded with the “right” images of how we should look, what we should wear and how our perception of these demands can influence everything in our lives.

When does this awakening of our own image begin?

The ensemble of female actors introduce us to a range of females old and young all who have issues with how they look.

We meet females who know they are pretty and suffer because of it.

We meet a child who’s mother instils a sense of worthlessness in her daughter and question why a Mother would do that to her child?

Is it that you are too fat, too thin, the wrong colour, the wrong accent, your face moves too much or too little.

The questions of ugliness are endless and as an audience we are shown the questions that we probably ask ourselves on a daily basis. The answers to these questions, if positive, will give us strength and make our world a better place but, like Samson’s hair, when cut down to negatives we lose our strength and attack from within.

Ugly takes you on a journey of exploration as to the why’s and wherefores of our deepest felt feelings about ourselves and shines the light on how futile, pointless and time wasting these thoughts can be.

Should we just stop caring? What would that look like? Or should we all try to be like a Disney princess and sing and dance our way through life, with a little help from little creatures on the way.

Congratulation to Perdita on an exceptional piece that makes you think about your own perception of ugliness. With an amazing cast of ladies who make you laugh out loud and shed tears of sadness.

My husband accompanied me to this performance and his observation was, “your not the only mad cow who thinks she’s ugly then”. Ugly is a female epidemic of our modern age. There is so much truth in this piece that if we could all care a little less about what others think of us and just
get on with life we would save 23 hours a week for better activities.

Thought provoking, masterly crafted piece of female empowerment.