Under Three Moons Review

The Lowry Theatre, Salford – until Saturday 28 September 2019 

Reviewed by Sarah Cockerill


Spanning the course of 20 years, Under Three Moons is a play which explores the friendship between two blokes, and the complexities that come with it. 

The audience meet Michael (Kyle Rowe) and Paul (Darren Kuppan) on a sixth form school trip, who are both going through their own battles that go further than teenage acne and awkward conversations with girls.

Though an unlikely friendship, it was a believable one and as a 90s child it felt relatable. The themes throughout felt familiar and the show had us hooked from start to finish. 

As each scene would begin, the audience were given clues to work out at which point in the characters’ lives we were watching. This only added to the compelling nature of the show, and kept the audience engaged, scene by scene.

The slick performance from both Rowe and Kuppan really showcased their talent, not just with their delivery of the lines, but with each micro expression and perfect comedic timing. The movement between scenes, or decades, was perfectly executed. Movement Director, Luke Rigg, did a great job of choreography.

Under Three Moons really highlighted the cyclical nature of life and how people can transition from misfortune to success and likewise how quickly things can crumble. But the underlying theme of mental health awareness, particularly amongst men, where things remain unsaid, made this production all the more provoking.

Following its opening week in Salford, Under Three Moons continues to tour the UK until November 2019.