This story shows the trials and tribulations of a young carer stuck between flying the nest to following her own dreams and remaining at home to look after her mother. This difficulties of navigating A levels is enough for any young person to struggle with topped with looking after a relative proves for some heart tugging moments. Being a physic geek myself in my younger days I found I could really associate with Emmie being the only girl in the class.
Emmie Price (Rosey Cale) despite all the hurdles life throws at her still manages to come up with an amazing idea based on her love of extreme weather phenomenon Tropical Revolving storms – known as Tornados and her perfect understanding of physics. Unfortunately, things do not go as planned and she has a fall from grace which gives her great opportunity. Can she take this opportunity and leave her unstable mother, or will she stay in “Wales, England”? You will have to see this to find out for yourself!
Rosey Cale voice is beautiful and the complimented Amy Wadge’s score perfectly. Her control to belt out when needed and reign in when singing duet is outstanding. The rest of the cast also live up to a very high standard with their talents.
Having the instruments set up on stage played buy the actors really will leave you aw-struck by how talent these people are. Mr. Church (Keiran Bailey) guitar solo to Walt’s (Dan Bottomley) science filled song will have you chuckling, tapping and clapping along.
This show has literally everything in it! Live stage experiments, Cameos from a Canadian Scientists, a beautiful score and incredible acting and music making. It addresses serious situations such as young carers, A Levels, first relationships, global warming and being made redundant. It will take you on a rollercoaster of emotions where you will love and hate characters and everything in between.
This will resonate with all ages from school kids to parents alike.
A seriously inspiring and enjoyable evening and I would highly recommend that go and be in the Eye of the Storm.