Ockham’s Razor to tour innovative new show Belly of the Whale | May – September 2018

Ockham’s Razor, produced by Turtle Key Arts presents
Belly of the Whale
UK Tour: May – September 2018

Belly of the Whale from Ockham’s Razor, winners of the Total Theatre and Jacksons Lane Award for Circus at the Edinburgh Fringe 2016, is an incredible meeting of circus and sculpture. This new outdoor show offers an innovative combination of cross-disciplinary curiosity and intuition

The performers, like surfers on a wild sea, ride a giant semi-circular see-saw made of wood and steel which creaks and groans as it transforms from a catapult to a gently rocking cradle, to a tunnel, to a slide – creating an ever-changing land and soundscape. The concept of the belly of the whale is found in mythology around the world – what happens when we confront our fears and come face to face with the power and momentum of things we seemingly can’t change?

The Belly of the Whale structure comes alive during the show, a sculpture in its own right and very much a fourth character. This unique and powerful see-saw, weighing 600kg, is able to reflect the narrative and aid the invention of the piece. By designing new equipment, Ockham’s Razor are constantly seeking to innovate within the confines of traditional circus. They offer up the unexpected resulting in a compelling relationship of trust and reliance between the performers

Musician Gabriele Pierros will fuse acoustic and digital compositions, playing live while also using real-time recordings of his sounds to create a unique accompanying soundscape

Director Tina Koch comments, In this current climate it can often feel like you are fighting with giants, running against walls, being thrown, faced with challenges and changes seemingly beyond your control. Our work is a reflection of the world how we experience it. This show is about three people coming face to face with their biggest challenge and the different ways they deal with it. It is about daring to jump into the unknown, perseverance and ultimately discovering that you can go it alone but you can go further when you join forces

Ockham’s Razor are supported by Arts Council England. Belly of the Whale is commissioned by Without Walls, Stockton International Riverside Festival, Greenwich + Docklands International Festival, Out There International Festival of Circus & Street Arts, Norfolk & Norwich Festival, Lift Off! The opening weekend of Wiltshire Creative – Salisbury, Circulate, Stratford Circus Arts Centre and Basingstoke Festival

There’s something magical about British aerial theatre group Ockham’s Razor. It’s hard to say how they conjure it, with little in the way of props and “performance” — they are the epitome of unshowy — but it’s a world where simple actions accumulate into something transporting (Evening Standard)

Performance Dates
5th May Stratford Circus Arts Centre (Circulate), Stratford

19th – 20th May Norfolk & Norwich Festival (Without Walls), Norwich

23rd – 24th June Greenwich & Docklands Festival (Without Walls), Greenwich

30th June Watford Palace Theatre, Watford

8th July Basingstoke Festival, Basingstoke

4th – 5
th August Stockton International Riverside Festival (Without Walls), Stockton-OnSea

11th August The Albany (Circulate), Deptford

16th August Millfield Theatre (Circulate), Edmonton

26th – 27th August Lift Off! Wiltshire Creative (Without Walls), Salisbury

8th September Watermans Bell Square (Circulate), Hounslow

15th – 16th September Out There International Festival (Without Walls), Great Yarmouth