Waterloo East Theatre – until 25 February. Reviewed by Lisa Harlow
Using the genre of ‘bouffon’ and satire, Blowfish Theatre set out their vision for 2020. Given the trajectory and characters involved on today’s world stage: Trump, Putin, Kimmy (Kim Jong-un) and ‘King’ Nigel Farage, their terrifying predictions involve some interesting and rather perverse outcomes, although not completely beyond possibility.
Joining them are a couple of fictional characters, Rod, acting as Trump’s 232nd or some such number Press Secretary, and Roger Lavery, otherwise known as Agent Pros-ecco to MLE (Metropolitan Liberal Elite), who are essentially the EU and governing elite.
This was largely an enjoyable romp, with patches of hilarity, and some swathes of nonchalance from myself and the audience. It certainly improved in its entertainment as the show progressed. Trump’s wig was impressive, and to be honest, his lines were all based on (alternative?) fact, not really needing much creative writing here to create some of the incredulous events and conversations that happen in the show.
Humorous highlights included a peek into Donald’s own mind. Convincing himself of the lie that it is he who dropped the bomb, and not Putin, he discusses this within his own subconscious. Surrounded by only sycophantic thoughts and realising there was no sceptical voice piping up, he has an unusual moment of self awareness and knowing how these things are supposed to work, he enquiries into its absence. The other thoughts reply “we got rid of doubting Donald a long time ago!” Indeed.
Equally references to the British Army being stuck in traffic due to roadworks, and Putin’s empathetic response, stirred some laughs.
I wasn’t sure if Farage having the same accent as the League of Gentlemen was deliberate or not, but if it was, it certainly conjured up the very essence of an inward looking, ‘Jolly Foreigner’ fearing character, who was equally as driven by power hungry ego as any of the other ‘demogogues’ and was seeking to sell off Scotland to drum up some coffers.
The vocal performances during the songs were not particularly strong, but some of the music and lyrics was enjoyable. The highlight was definitely Putin. The performance all round was particularly strong from Natasha Lanceley, whose Putin was licking his own wounds having felt abandoned by Donald currently being wooed by ‘King’ Farage. No fear, Putin wins the day.
The final rip-roaring number sees Putin victorious with the other players in his sex dungeon. Farage in a gimp outfit, is something you can never ‘unsee’.
I’m glad they were able to end on a high. I did.