20 Questions with ….. Shawna Hamic

American actress, singer and musical theatre star Shawna Hamic sat down with fairypowered to answer 20 questions. Shawna is about to star as Ursula the Sea Witch in the Fat Rascal Theatre Productions show Unfortunate – A Musical Parody.  At Southwark Theatre from 8 December and then on UK tour  Tickets for the show can be found here

Let’s start with a few favourites

Favourite show (whether you have been in it or not)? 

I LOVE Sweeney Todd. Mrs Lovett is a dream role.

Favourite book? 

I am a sucker for a romance novel. It is a guilty pleasure. So anything by Nora Roberts

Favourite theatre? 

There are so many beautiful theatres. In the US I’d have to say the Majestic Theatre in San Antonio Texas. It is stunning.

Favourite song? 

Fields of Gold by Sting

Favourite music? 

I have such a varied taste in music. And it is such a part of my life I can’t name one kind of music. Love anything from American Songbook (music of the 30s & 40s) to 80s pop/rock. Currently listening to Jacob Collier.

Favourite food? 

Chocolate chip pancakes

Favourite drink? 

7 up. But the US version. I can’t take artificial sweeteners.

What is your favourite role? 

I will always love having played Mme Thenardier in Les Misérables, on the 25th Anniversary National US Tour for 1,037 performances total. It was a dream.

What was your first role? 

It would have been singing Jesus Loves Me in church where my grandfather was minister when I was 3 years old.

And what role would you really like to play? 

Mrs. Lovett in Sweeney Todd, Ms Hannigan in Annie, Mama Rose in Gypsy, Mrs Morrible in Wicked. I call my dream role list my ‘Mrs, Madames, & Mamas List’

If you weren’t a performer what would you be? 

Probably a director or a photographer. Still something creative. Fun fact- I’ve actually been published as a photographer in Time Magazine, Rolling Stone, & Elle Magazines.

What made you decide to be a performer? 

I’ve always loved singing. When I was a kid I saw a touring production of Les Misérables when it toured through Los Angeles and that was it. I told my mother I would be Mme Thenardier one day. And then many years later I was.

Do you enjoy touring?

 I do. I love meeting people I wouldn’t normally get to meet and seeing cities I might not normally think to visit. It’s the best of all worlds.

What advice would you give 16 year old you? 

I would tell her to keep believing in herself. To try to ignore all the bullies and the naysayers that tell her her dreams of being a performer professionally are ‘stupid’ and ‘just not possible because you look the way you do’. I’d tell her that she finds her way and finds people to believe in those dreams with her. Sometimes she’ll have to convince them and other times just prove the doubters wrong. But just keep going. It isn’t easy and it shouldn’t be, because it wouldn’t mean anything when she achieves those goals and dreams if there hadn’t been a bit to overcome. You are stronger for all you go through and you keep your gentle heart, but you learn boundaries. And boundaries are GOOD! Just keep going.

Do you fancy branching out in Producing or Directing? 

I absolutely do. I really want to be a director and have no doubt that is part of my journey at some point. I have the brain for it and the way I see the world really translates into directing.

What was the last stage show you saw and really enjoyed? 

It wasn’t the last stage show, but one I still can’t stop thinking about is Jefferson Mays’ Christmas Carol. He played over 30 roles and it was one of the most INCREDIBLE performances I have ever seen. And the technical aspects of the show were stunning as well. If it ever plays again I can NOT recommend it enough.

Favourite line from any show? 

While I wasn’t ever cast in the show Shucked (currently on Broadway) I did audition for it and one of the lines makes me laugh to this day. It goes, “I may not be a virgin, but I still have the box it came in.” Just so funny.

If you could be anyone else for the day, who would it be? 

I literally haven’t ever thought of that. I really just love my own life. So I’d rather continue to just be me. It isn’t always easy, but it’s a lovely life.

What are the nicest/weirdest things you have ever received from fans? 

I once received a handmade doll of me as Mme Thenardier. It was so sweet.

Can you tell us what you will be up to next? 

I’m here in the UK for the next 9 months with Unfortunate. I’m truly focused on being here and enjoying my time both with the show and in this country. What’s next will come when it comes.