20 Questions with ….. Jason Merrells

Actor and Director Jason Merrells answered 20 questions.  Jason is currently touring with The Verdict playing the lead role of Lawyer Frank Galvin.  Tickets are available to catch the tour here

Let’s start with a few favourites

Favourite show (whether you have been in it or not)?

I’m enjoying being in The Verdict and I enjoyed playing Astrov in Uncle Vanya which was a tick box role for me.  Shows I’ve not been in and enjoyed, I’d say Burn This with John Malkovich in the early 90’.  And Jerusalem must come a close second

Favourite book?

Notes from the Underground by Fyodor Dostoevsky

Favourite theatre?

The National Theatre

Favourite song?

I like all music but Into My Arms by Nick Cave if I must choose one

Favourite type of music?

Again, I like it all but I’d have to say electronic music if I can only have one

Favourite food?


Favourite drink?


What is your favourite role so far?

I think your current role is always your favourite as it’s in your consciousness.  But like I said before Astrov in Uncle Vanya was a tick box role for me

What was your first role?

A fringe show where I play the Earl of Essex.  My first role on TV was Matt in Casualty

And what role would you really like to play?

Coriolanus and I’d like to be in the Scottish play

If you weren’t a performer what would you be?

I’m also an Artist, I paint and make prints.  I like wood work so I think I’d be happy as a Carpenter and I cook, so maybe a Chef?  But I think I’d enjoy working with wood

How are you finding touring?

It’s a long tour and it’s hard being away from home, but we get to revitalise new audiences every night

What advice would you give 16 year old you?

Hang in there.  Look after yourself. Observe and be kind

Do you fancy branching out in another avenue beyond acting e.g. Producing or Directing?

I already direct, I’ve done a some films and I have a few films up in the air, so I am happy directing

What was the last stage show you saw and really enjoyed?

I saw Bleak Expectations in the West End with my daughter and it was very funny

Favourite line from the show?

I say “Very good” in The Verdict, which is after a very dramatic moment and that’s my current favourite

What are the nicest/weirdest things you have ever received from fans?

I don’t really get anything, but it’s always weird to me when I’m given my photo to sign.  It’s weird to see my face

Can you tell us what you will be up to next?

No, not really.  I need a break after this tour and then we’ll take it from there