20 Questions with ….. Danielle Tarento

Producer, Casting Director, Performer and very talented Danielle Tarento answered 20 questions.  Danielle is currently producing my ultimate favourite – Titanic the Musical which is on tour around the UK.  Titanic sails into Southampton Mayflower on April 11th, where it will be holding some memorial shows coinciding with the tragic sinking of the Titanic over the 14th and 15th of April.

Let’s start with some favourites

Favourite show (whether you’ve been in it or not)?

It tends to be what I am working on at that moment, so it’s currently Titanic

Favourite book?

Return of the Native by Thomas Hardy

Favourite theatre?

I like the Donmar for its intimacy. Regionally I like the Birmingham Hippodrome and I’m excited to be touring to Newcastle Theatre Royal with Titanic

Favourite song?

Anything by Abba

Favourite music?

Cast recordings of musicals

Favourite food?

Anything from South East Asia, Moroccan and you can’t beat a Sunday Roast

Favourite line from a show?

I can’t remember exactly, but it was a funny line about Ocado from Standing at the Skies Edge at the National Theatre

Do you prefer acting or casting?

Neither really.  I enjoyed acting when I did it but I wanted to be involved in theatre,  I cast my own shows now and spending days listening to talented people sing to me is just glorious

What was your first role?

Mary in the Nativity aged 4.  I ordered everyone about, even stopping the show to tell Joseph what he was doing wrong.  I was producing even back then

What role would you like to perform/cast/produce?

I would love to do Nine by Maury Yeston

Were you encouraged to perform as a child – would you encourage your child?

My family encouraged it, in that it was a hobby. But I was encouraged to stay at school and get my A levels before I decided to go down the performing route.  I don’t have children, but I don’t think I would encourage them nowadays.

What’s the nicest/weirdest gift from a fan?

No one ever gives the producer a present

If you weren’t a producer what would you be?

I’d like to run a restaurant

What advice would you give 16 year old Danielle?

Don’t be afraid to change your mind, work hard and believe in yourself

What was the last show you saw and enjoyed?

Standing at the Skies Edge at the National Theatre

Do you enjoy new talent spotting when you’re casting?

There’s nothing better than giving people, talented people, their start in the business

If you could be anyone else for the day, who would you be?

I’d go back in time and be Audrey Hepburn in Breakfast at Tiffany’s

Have you ever stepped into a role when you’ve had an indisposed cast?

No! There are far better people than me to be able to step in

And finally, what’s next?

I’m working on a comedy for next year and, as I said, I’d love to get Nine.  But I know I’ve now got Titanic for life.  I would love for it tour some more, maybe international tours and hopefully the west end too

Titanic the Musical is on tour around the UK now.  More details can be found at titanicthemusical.co.uk