AUSTENTATIOUS – An Improvised play based on the works of Jane Austen – REVIEW

SAVOY THEATRE – 15 APRIL & 20 MAY 2018. 

Reviewed by Sharon Hinds Kennedy



This is a play with a difference, on entering the theatre you are handed a piece on paper which looks like the front cover of a Jane Austen book. There is no title on the front cover, just a speech bubble to enter your own suggested title for a lost Jane Austen novel.

The show opens with one of the cast asking the audience to lift hands to shout out their suggested titles for the lost book. A title is then chosen from the audience’s suggestions by the cast member on stage. The show then swings into action. The title of this particular performance was “The Good, The Bad and the Darcy”.

This was a very funny performance, all the cast are improvisation actors and comedians. It was apparently unscripted but at times parts did seem rehearsed. However, cast members did freeze about what to say next from time to time.

The audience was about 70% female, this fact was pointed out to me by my husband. Like Austen’s books this show is probably more attractive to women. The actors appeared to enjoy the performance as much as we the audience.

The cast drew us into their imaginary improvisation through their use of one simple set, period costumes and the live music that played throughout the performance. The music was provided by two musicians, a violinist and a pianist.

We thoroughly enjoyed this show and award it ⭐⭐⭐⭐